Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why Degoya?

For my first blog post, I figure it's appropriate to explain why I use the name Degoya as my email address. As a young, innocent 13 year old I had the amazing opportunity to go abroad with People to People Student Ambassadors. At that time in my life, I was still in love with Math (though the love affair was cooling off as Pre-Algebra hit) and liked to draw but didn't really understand art. My main exposure had been to Monet and the Impressionists. It was a strong enough reason to start my French studies, but that is another story.

In any case, when I was in Madrid we went to the Prado Museum. I saw many great works and two stuck with me: Las Meninas by Velazquez for it's sheer size and amazing detail and Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco de Goya for it's unbelievable darkness and brutality. I had never seen a painting that caused a physical reaction in me before that day. A shiver went down my spine, I was sick to my stomach...and completely facinated! I couldn't look away. I had no idea that art could be so disturbing or that people in those times even allowed such a painting to exist! I figured they were burned at the stake, accused of witchcraft! There was a whole section of Goya's 'dark period' to marvel at. Needless to say, my world was rocked and I have thought of art differently ever since.

When it came time to create my first email address, the experience was still fresh in my mind and I chose 'degoya' since 'goya' was not available. It's a chilling reminder to myself that mankind is always walking that fine line between brillance and insanity...and that I'm not the only one dancing on it.

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